Ever called someone OCD because they like to have a clean apartment? Ever told someone you have a phobia of spiders when, in fact, they just creep you out a little? In this episode of Crash Course psychology, Hank talks about OCD and Anxiety Disorders in the hope we’ll understand what people with actual OCD have to deal with as well as how torturous Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks can actually be. The video gives a brief overview of the symptoms, types and causes of OCD, along with some different perspectives on OCD.

At We.Care we offer help to overcome the mental challenges caused by OCD. By signing up you will gain access to a variety of informational content on OCD, and how to improve your life, even when living with OCD. Furthermore you will be able to talk to our psychologists, who will be able to offer specialised help tailored to your personal situation and challenges.

Learn more about anxiety and how handle it.

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