How the platform works

On Thursday, June 1, 2023, our new platform went live. Below, you can find answers (including video guides) to any questions you may have about the platform’s functionalities. What are the advantages of the new platform? It runs significantly faster It remains...

Get A Life Overview With The Wheel of Life

How can the wheel of life help you? Most people know the feeling of being unhappy with how our everyday lives look, or being stressed. Although we may feel that we need to make some changes, it can be difficult to get an overview of our lives and priorities in a...

the Raisin exercise (time: 5-10 min.)

Why do the exercise? The raisin exercise is what is known as a ‘grounding’ exercise. Grounding exercises help you to be fully aware and present in your body, and in the current moment. When our brains experience a threat, it affects our nervous system in the same way,...

Body-Scan Exercise (Time: 15-30 min.)

Why do the body-scan exercise? By focusing on moving your attention through your body in a structured way, you can improve your ability to be fully present and attentive to the current moment. This is especially helpful when your feelings or thoughts seem out of...
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