Depression Test
Over the last 14 days, how much of the time have you…
Remember that the depression test only provides an indication. This means, that it cannot replace a professional clinical assessment. If you are in doubt about whether you need help or not, then contact your doctor, or ask us anything here.
About this test for depression
This test is called Major Depression Inventory (MDI) and is developed by World Health Organization (WHO) and is well acknowledged internationally and designed to diagnose and monitor depression.
The test is used to measure the severity of depression, and the result is based on a scale with four levels:
- No depression
- Mild depression
- Moderate depression
- Severe depression.
Notice: This online-test only provides an indication, and can therefore not replace a clinical assessment.
The test consists of 10 questions, and you have to read and answer the questions based on how you have been the last 14 days. After you have answered all the questions, you will be able to see the results of your answers and recommendations on future steps you can take.
How to get started with We.Care
Sign up
Tell us how we can help you, and if you have preferences regarding the gender of your licensed therapist.
Get an answer within 24 hours
We assign you the psychologist, that fits exactly your needs the best.
Now you’ve started
Within 24 hours (on workdays) your psychologist will contact you, so that you can schedule an appointment, or just start writing to each other.
Not sure what the best is for you?
Julie, Rikke and Linisha are ready to help you and answer your questions.
- “What should I start with? Video, text-based or a combination?”
- “Which psychologist will be best suited for exactly me?”
- “What kind of subsidies can I get?”
- “When can I start?”
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